24:14 Regions

A list of countries in each region can be found here.

To sign up as a individual or ministry pursuing CPM/DMM in your region, or as a person supporting movements there fill out the form on the Get Involved page.

To contact a region, use the contact form below:

Regional Information

We are excited to share with you the “24:14 Map of Movements” that has recently been released, so practitioners can more easily connect with each other!  You can view it here: Google map

We have made a map of where UPGs of 5,000 or more in a certain location are located in North America.  The information is based on the data that Global Gates has shared with us.  We pray that you will use it to specifically target UPGs near you. You can view that map here: Google map

24:14 Europe is a network of movement practitioners among our 43 constituent nations.