Canada US region


The Canada / US Region has long been considered a “reached” area by missiologists. However a number of developments in this region have begun to highlight the need for missional engagement of this region at greater levels. There is a great need in these days for renewal of a loving, biblical, and missional church that engages the lost. Additionally, God has brought large numbers of immigrants into our region and given us the opportunity to serve them and reach them for Christ. Our 24:14 Regional Team endeavors to catalyze teams to create Disciple Making Movements across the Canada / US Region. If you would like to contact them, you can click on the Google Map below for the region you want to contact. Our regional teams have monthly meetings for practitioners to connect, communicate and collaborate with each other. There will also be a retreat once a year for each region, as well as a national gathering. Training and coaching are also available if desired. We look forward to connecting with you!

Please visit the new 2414 North America Website for complete
 information on 24:14 efforts in Canada and the USA.


The larger U.S. Canada Region is broken down into a series of subregions. Regional leaders have been appointed for these regions. Find here a map with contact information for the leaders of each subregion. Map

Many of our disciple-making practitioners in our 24;14 Community who love Jesus, seek to follow his commands and live out the Great Commission as disciples and simple churches (Matthew 28.19-20) have banded together to make this documentary film on disciple making in the Canada / US Context.

This weekly podcast shares disciple making tips and paradigms useful to our work here in the Canada / US Region.

Movement practitioners are in many places across the country.  If you want to register your presence in an area, fill out this form. 
Practitioners Google Map