The 24:14 Vision
– By Stan Parks –
In Matthew 24:14, Jesus promised: "This gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed in the whole world as a testimony to all ethnē (people groups), and then the end will come."
The 24:14 Vision is to see the gospel shared with every people group on earth in our generation. We long to be in the generation that finishes what Jesus began and other faithful workers before us have given their lives to. We know that Jesus waits to return until every people group has an opportunity to respond to the gospel and become part of His Bride.
We recognize the best way to give every people group this opportunity is to see the church started and multiplying in their group. This becomes the best hope for everyone to hear the Good News, as disciples in these multiplying churches are motivated to share the gospel with everyone possible.
These multiplying churches can become what we call a Church Planting Movement (CPM). A CPM is defined as the multiplication of disciples making disciples and leaders developing leaders, resulting in indigenous churches planting churches which begin to spread rapidly through a people group or population segment.
The 24:14 coalition is not an organization. We are a community of individuals, teams, churches, organizations, networks, and movements who have made a commitment to seeing Church Planting Movements in every unreached people and place. Our initial goal is see effective CPM engagement in every unreached people and place by December 31, 2025.
This means having a team (local, expat or combination) equipped in movement strategy on location in every unreached people and place by that date. We make no claims about when the Great Commission task will be finished. That is God’s responsibility. He determines the fruitfulness of movements.
We pursue the 24:14 Vision based on four values:
- Reaching the unreached, in line with Matthew 24:14: bringing the gospel of the Kingdom to every unreached people and place.
- Accomplishing this through Church Planting Movements, involving multiplying disciples, churches, leaders and movements.
- Acting with a wartime sense of urgency to engage every unreached people and place with a movement strategy by the end of 2025.
- Doing these things in collaboration with others.
Our vision is to see the gospel of the Kingdom proclaimed throughout the world as a testimony to all people groups in our lifetime. We invite you to join us in praying and serving to start kingdom movements in every unreached people and place.
Stan Parks Ph.D. serves the 24:14 Coalition (Facilitation Team), Beyond (VP Global Strategies), and Ethne (Leadership Team). He is a trainer and coach for a variety of CPMs globally and has lived and served among the unreached since 1994.
This material first appeared on pages 2-3 of the book 24:14 – A Testimony to All Peoples, available from 24:14 or from Amazon.