How God is Making Simple Things Grow and Multiply
– By Lee Wood –
In March 2013 I attended a Metacamp discipleship training facilitated by Curtis Sergeant. The focus was on obedience and training others how to make disciples who make disciples, leading to multiplication of simple house churches. I came to the training with a passion for discipleship and a healthy dissatisfaction with my status quo. I understood why we are called to make disciples – that the world might know – but was confused as to how. At the training, we learned the how and the importance of disciple-making as an expression of our love for God and others.
I left eager to apply the principles: tell your story, tell God’s story, form groups and train them to do the same. Hitting the ground running, we started 63 groups in the first year and trained others to do the same. Some groups multiplied to the fourth generation. Hundreds of groups formed in the first two years, but with weak follow up, they were not sustaining or multiplying the way they should. We were so busy forming groups we failed to follow all the principles we had learned.
Thankfully Curtis didn’t give up on us. He continued to coach us, emphasizing critically important principles:
- Take care of the depth of your ministry. God will take care of the breadth.
- Pour deeply into the few who are obeying.
- Keep doing what you are doing and you will get better at it.
- Simple things grow. Simple things multiply.
- Obey and train others.
We went back to salvage what we could. We poured into those who were clearly obeying the call. (Not doing this was our most significant failure in our earlier efforts.) We began to prayer walk intentionally in some of the worst places in Tampa, to find persons of peace – people prepared to receive Christ and pass on the good news to their relationships – among the least, the lost and the last. As we learned more, we began to train others locally and eventually globally. Healthy groups began multiplying. The movement expanded to other Florida cities and four other states. With the help of some of our earliest disciples it expanded to ten other countries. We began to send out missionaries to unreached, unengaged people groups within two years, from a completely organic decentralized movement.
In partnership with another network, we have sent trainers to over 70 countries where self-multiplying movements of people reaching their own for Christ are beginning or are well under way. Additionally others began coming to our city for immersion training in an emerging urban church model, engaging in CPM that transforms communities.
All of this comes from sharing our personal stories of how Jesus has changed our lives, telling Jesus’ story (the gospel) and following a few simple principles: pouring deeply into the few, keeping it simple, learning by doing, and trusting God for the outcome.
How? Love God, love others and make disciples that make disciples. Simple things grow and simple things multiply.
Lee Wood, a former orphan, an abused, addicted young man received Jesus at 23, and his life was totally transformed. His outrageous energy is contagious to all those around him. His heart’s passion is discipling others for Christ until the whole world knows.
This is from an article that appeared in the January-February 2018 issue of Mission Frontiers,, page 22, and published on pages 136-138 of the book 24:14 – A Testimony to All Peoples, available from 24:14 or Amazon.